“Show Me the Money!
Or Why it Takes So Long to Obtain a Judgment in Georgia" Whether you are a member of a community association or serve on the board of directors, the one thing that really frustrates you is the neighbor who hasn't paid his/her assessments. Most of my clients wish that,...
Do Georgia Traffic Laws Apply to Community Roads?
By: Paul Reynolds and Kathy K. Dorough We are often asked whether Georgia traffic laws apply to private streets maintained by a homeowners or condominium association. The answer depends on a number of factors ranging from the offense charged to the method in which the...
Don’t Let the Phases Faze You: Unique Concerns in Mixed Use Communities
By: Kathy K. Dorough, Esq. and Lisa A. Crawford, Esq. One of the newest trends in real estate development is the “new urbanism” often involving the creation of mixed use communities. The concept is not new at all of course. At least since the Roman Empire,...
Help Yourself? A Story of Self-Help Gone Awry
Community storm water systems are a big deal these days. Counties and municipalities typically require, as a condition of zoning for new planned developments, that storm water detention ponds or other facilities be part of the common property owned and maintained by...
Hot Fun in the Summertime? Non-Member Use of Community Amenities
With the onset of summer, communities around Georgia are readying their recreational amenity areas for a new season. In addition to regular use by association members, many communities allow non-members to use the recreational facilities by virtue of hosting swimming...
Honeybees and Homeowners Associations: A Sweet Partnership?
With the burgeoning interest in locally grown produce and all things “green,” could the return of home beekeeping have been far behind? In addition to making honey, pollinators are essential to a good garden, production of food crops and the health of flowering trees...