News and Events
Our attorneys not only work for our clients but also share their knowledge with the public and the legal community, speaking and publishing on various legal issues.
Lisa A. Crawford is part of a team of professional women awarded the 2016 Community/Economic Improvement award by the Atlanta Chapter of CREW (Commercial Real Estate Women) for her work on relocating the national headquarters of Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC to the greater Atlanta metropolitan area.
Posted: June 2016
Lisa and Dorough & Dorough, LLC represented Ashton Atlanta Residential, LLC in connection with the negotiation of the purchase and sale agreement with the underlying land seller and the subsequent negotiation of the purchase and sale agreement, reciprocal easement and development agreement negotiations and the acquisition and closing of the transaction with Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC. She has extensive experience in assisting clients with due diligence, corrective action plans, and acquisition and development of commercial and mixed use real estate projects in the greater metropolitan Atlanta area.
Erin Murray O’Connell was named committee chair of the Education Seminar Committee dedicated to planning an all-day education seminar for property managers.
Posted: May 2016
Kathy Dorough spoke at the CAI Educational Seminar on January 14, 2016 on the “Basics of Covenant Enforcement”
Michael Leavey spoke at the ICLE Real Property Foreclosure Seminar
Posted: November 6, 2015
Foreclosing on a PUD? – You might not want to throw the baby out with the bathwater, Michael E. Leavey, Esq. – Dorough & Dorough, LLC
Michael Leavey was named committee chair of the Magazine Committee, which publishes a quarterly magazine entitled “Georgia Commons” for the Georgia Chapter of Community Association Institute
Posted: October 2015
Dorough & Dorough celebrates Breast Cancer Awareness
Posted: October 2015
Dorough & Dorough, LLC sponsoring a hole at the CAI Golf Tournament on October 15, 2015
Posted: October 2015
Come say hello the Community Association Law Team
Kathy & David Dorough attended the “Building Preview” for the new Georgia State University College of Law
Posted: August 2015
David Dorough endowed a study room in the new GSU law school
Michael, Rachel and Lisa presented “Practice Pointers and Trouble Shooting: Mandatory Membership Associations” at a 2014 Real Estate CLE
Latest Articles
Naming Names: Should an Association Publish the Names of Assessment Delinquents?
We have all heard the expression "that wheel won't turn without any grease!" And every member of a Board of Directors of a community association knows that their Association cannot run without the regular and timely payment of assessments. Generally, a community's...
Magistrate Court – A Viable Choice for Filing Collection Cases?
As a retired Magistrate Court Judge (DeKalb County), I was happy to be asked to write an article about the “Pros and Cons” of filing collection cases in Magistrate Court! A little background on Magistrate Courts in general: The first Magistrate Court was created in...
“Show Me the Money!…(Part II)
...Or How to Collect the Judgment Once You’ve Got It” Part II of II In Part I of this Article, which appeared in the Second Quarter 2002 edition of Georgia Commons, we explored why it sometimes takes so long to obtain a judgment in Georgia. In the collection wars,...